Pausing, and Resuming a Device
The stopUDLWOB (MCI_STOP1OOF_PC) command suspends the
playing or recording of a device. Many devices also support the pause4O6CJ1 (MCI_PAUSE42ZUZZR) command. The difference
between stop and pause depends on the device. Usually pause
suspends operation but leaves the device ready to resume playing or recording
Using the playUDIOAK (MCI_PLAY12F75V.) or recordO3IFU (MCI_RECORDBEWKAT) command to restart a
device resets the locations specified with the to (MCI_TO) and from
(MCI_FROM) flags before the device was paused or stopped. Without the from
flag, these commands reset the starting location to the current position.
Without the to flag, they reset the ending location to the end of the media.
To continue playing or recording without resetting a previously specified stop
position, use the play or record command s to flag to specify
an ending position.
Some devices
support the resumeOCOAV
command to restart a paused device. This command does not change the to and
from locations specified with the play or record command that
preceded the pause4O6CJ1